Blog Post #1: My Political Typology

Political Typology

     Shalom! I am Christopher "Chris" Christopher. I am currently a senior at Summit Shasta High School, and I am a big boy now. In AP Government, our second project involves blog posts that tackle a handful of political topics. 

     I recently took a political typology quiz in my AP Government class. You can take the quiz here.

     Core Conservatives generally favour smaller government, lower taxes, and are very patriotic. Conservatives are usually depicted on the right side of the political compass, and can vary on how radical your beliefs are. I was raised in Texas, and because of that, I do hold traditional values. A couple of traditional values that I believe in are the importance of family and faith. I do not have a problem with law-abiding citizens retaining gun ownership. 

Political Parties

These are the parties that I am aligned with in real life, without a touch of radical, alt-right views. The quiz is  here.
     These political parties, specifically a blend of the top two (Libertarian views with a hint of Christian ideals), is a perfect mix. I do lean to the right and believe that a small national government is a good national government. Additionally, I believe that religion has an important role to play in society. I do believe that religious freedom is important. With that being said, I feel that it is important to recognise the Christian ideals the Founding Fathers put into place when they created our country.

Political Compass

The Political Compass Quiz result that I will be basing my project on. I may even venture so far-right that I will ascend past the bounds of this compass.

        Before we move further, I want to make sure that you understand that although I will be providing valid and credible information, I will be radicalizing my views to be very far-right for satirical purposes. The opinions that I express throughout this experiment may not be my true opinions. 

     For this project, I want to take a look at biased sources and try to identify how they manipulate quotes, stories, pictures, and videos and how they can affect overall perception of a person, company, or idea. For these reasons, I will try to be as extreme as possible and may offend people. If you find my content offensive, then I will know that I did a great job emulating alt-right ideas. Again, take all my claims lightly as anything I post after this first blog post will not be reflective of who I am as a person. 

You have been warned.
